Promoted to Associate Professor With Tenure!

All credits to my students and collaborators who helped realize many groundbreaking ideas; hundreds of students I taught in undergraduate and graduate levels; my mentors who continue to advise me through good times and bad; everyone who wrote letters for me; countless reviewers and panelists who improved our papers and proposals; funding entities (especially NSF) who support our large research program; those who invited me to be on and learn from program committees, panels, meetings, and talks; my research community as a whole; everyone in CSE Michigan; and countless others I’m sure I’m forgetting. Thanks to everyone from the depths of my heart.

Extra special thanks to my family who made countless sacrifices in unimaginable ways.

Well, it’s done now, but I don’t feel any different; only more energized to do bigger, better things. If you want to work on challenging problems, join SymbioticLab. We’re only getting started!